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Thoughts & Inspiration

It is about the Journey!

As we think about the logistics of how we move our family to Africa…it is a bit overwhelming. We have began support raising, working on the list of home repairs and de-clutter process to get the house on the market, and have spent numerous hours these past weeks preparing for a yard sale. We are trying to eat as many dinners together as possible, spend time with family, spend time with each other…the list goes on and on. After many weeks of trying to “handle” it all, we are exhausted. We have realized we cannot control this journey. We have turned it all over to Him. God is teaching us to live for today. Do not worry about tomorrow, or next week, just trust Him today. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the journey and expect God to show up. We have simply prayed, “God, it is all yours…in your timing.”

About two weeks ago, we went to get the camper out of storage to clean it up and get it ready to sell. We have had this camper since 2006 and our family has loved the time spent camping especially in the fall! (We are learning to let go…sniff,sniff). Anyway, as we opened the door to the bathroom, we found brown water stains in the bathtub. Something had cracked the roof vent and a leak had resulted. We could not believe this was happening. Have you ever had something go wrong in the midst of trying to follow His will? This was not in the “plan”. We began to pray that God would handle this situation. We had given it all to him just days before this happened. This past week, we received a call from the insurance agency informing us that the leak resulted in a lot of damage and it would be a total loss. They also said we could pick up a check the next day. God had worked in a way, we did not foresee. The check exceeded the amount we were going to ask for the camper when we sold it!

God simply reminded us that He is in control. It was truly a blessing in disguise. Not our “plan”, but better. Oh wait, there is more…our house has a contract on it and we have not even listed it yet. We are praying and completely trusting that God is also in control of the house. It is about the journey. My friend, Scott, put it this way: “God is using this process to form you both into His image.” That is the point for us all. We are on this earth to bring glory to God. Period. Whatever it is that your today looks like…Is it reflecting His image? Are you bringing glory to Him? Are you giving control to Him? Are you trusting Him with your journey? We are trying to trust Him with today and know that He will take care of our tomorrow, our next week, and our move to Swaziland. Lord, please help us learn what you are trying to teach us today, even if it is not part of our plan! It is not necessarily about what happens in the future…but about the journey to get there. Thanks for being on this journey with us!


Greg and Michelle