
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Answering the Call

When a friend calls and asks to get together, I usually say, "Yes!" and we start making plans.  Where will we eat?  How long will we be gone?  What time do you want to meet?  What about the kids?  These are just a few of the questions.  Sometimes, God calls us.  I wish sometimes the phone would ring and it would be God.  How awesome would that be?  I have found in my case, God speaks to me in the little ways.  He may lay something on my heart or just give me an overwhelming peace that I am in His perfect will.  As a teenager, God placed a call on my life for the mission field.  I was at a youth camp and heads were bowed.  As the preacher prodded, I simply lifted my hand to say, "Yes" to God's call.  I have always known somehow, at some point… this would happen.  In the meantime, He has just been telling me to wait.  Then last year, my family had the awesome opportunity to go on a mission trip to Swaziland, Africa with our church.  I had an overwhelming peace that this would be an incredible experience for not only myself and my husband, Greg, but also our twin boys.  While I was there, God confirmed to me after all these years, that this is where he wanted me.  One night while in Swaziland, our mission team and the missionary families were in a circle praying.  One of the women simply petitioned God that He would send more families to help with the overwhelming needs they were facing in the ministry.  Little did I know, that God was tapping my husband on the shoulder and stirring his heart to begin our journey to Swaziland.  After we returned home, Greg shared with me what God had been telling him.  "I feel that God is calling our family to Swaziland", he said.  I simply agreed with him.  His face was priceless as he realized through the next conversation that God was working on us both.

We are both saying, "Yes".

"Yes" to moving our family to Africa.

"Yes" to full time ministry.

"Yes" to raising a support team.

So, after the call…the questions came.  When?  How long?  What about the kids?  What about family?  There are still many questions, but God is leading our path.  The kids will home school and we will stay as long as God says that is where he wants us.  We trust Him.  We are obeying Him.  Our target goal is to move by September 2014, but that all depends on raising support.  We need your prayers and financial support.  Please prayerfully consider coming along side of us and simply say "Yes".


  1. Greg, Michelle, Lane, and Landon,
    Consider Anton and I supporters. We will lift you up in prayer and commit to financial support. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News of Christ enveloped in His love. We look forward to following your new adventure in Christ.

  2. Wow! Tim and I will be praying for you and your family. And you know you will definitely have our support! Love you guys!

  3. So excited for you! Much of your story parallels my story and the story of our family. I have messaged you on facebook and look forward to getting to know you better in Swaziland.

    Sala kahle!

  4. Hi folks, I’m a friend of Jumbo’s from AIm, a Fellow Missionary in Manzini Swaziland, have been for past 5years with Growth,(Growing Resourses for Orphans & Widows Through Horticulture) Mission. Swaziland needs Strong Familys in Jesus. I Will Pray for you Daily that God Will bring you here safely, Soon & for a Long time. I am a member of The Living Waters Church in Manzini, an English speaking/Preaching on fire for Jesus Family Church. We Will Wellcome you here with Open arms. Bob

  5. So excited for all God has in store for you. We join you in praying! Let the adventure begin!

  6. Happy tears here in Missouri! Knew that special and holy things were happening last summer… What a joy to pray with you about this. Love and hugs!

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