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Africa has really changed my life. Moving here has helped me to realize many things such as:

-I am very fortunate to have been born in the US,

-I am blessed to have a family that provides for me in many ways,

-I should be more grateful for things,

-God really does have a plan for my life.

Having to move to the other side of the world has been really tough. There are a lot of foods not available here, such as Mexican food, and most of my friends and family are back in the States. Lane and I have started to attend a youth group in Mbabane, about 30 minutes from where we live. We have begun to make new friends. The past year has been really hard, but God has a plan for each of our lives. I believe that He is using this to strengthen my faith along with others. Sometimes this might be really hard for me to see, but I have to have faith in God. The picture below makes me realize how small we are and how big He is.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13 

A couple of weeks ago for staff meeting, our staff was instructed to go around town in groups and ask people, “Do you believe God is dead?” Our group went to the market and asked people there. Most of the people we asked said that God is not dead. However, there were some others that said He is dead and they did not care what happened to them after they died. I felt in that moment God was telling me that there are people out there that need me to tell them about Christ. The Lord has had a huge impact in my life over the past year.


I know that God will always provide for our family and that He is always there for us. There are some prayer requests that I have for our family:

– For God to give us strength and wisdom to help others

– For us to have courage so we can tell other people about the gospel

– For me to be able to make some more friends

– For the upcoming school year to go well


Homeschool is going well. We have just finished 9th grade, and it has gone by very fast. Our teacher is pretty good and she is always there to help us when we need help with something. Our school stuff for next year has recently arrived.


Lane and I have been working to make cards and rocks to sell to teams visiting from the states. The proceeds go towards kids at the care points who need help paying medical expenses. It is going very well and we have raised lots of money. Please check out our Facebook page- or our website-

Thank you to all that make it possible for us to be here.


Landon Mullins