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This past week we purchased one way tickets to Africa. We are amazed at the peace God has given us. Do we have everything figured out? No, but God does. We do not know where we will live or what we will drive. We do not have detailed lists of our job descriptions, nor do we know exactly what our days will look like. However, God knows. God told us to go to Swaziland and we are simply obeying His command. In Matthew 28:19, God commands us all to go and make disciples. No matter if you are going oversees or walking through your neighborhood, our focus should be to make disciples. Sometimes, all He wants us to do is obey.

He has poured out so many blessings on us. A few months ago, we found a great deal on suitcases. You should have seen the looks we received as we rolled our suitcase filled buggy to the front of the store. The cashier even said, “Wow! Are  ya’ll moving to Africa or something?” Greg simply replied, “Yes, actually we are!” We are excited to see what God will do next. We will arrive in Swaziland June 1st. Please pray that God will be with our family as we transition to Swaziland.

To God be the glory!